Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Shut up, they explained – Today’s Boston Globe profiles “MIT’s inconvenient scientist” one Richard Lindzen who refuses to swallow whole Al Gore’s theory of global warming. Mind you, he does believe that global warming exists but since he won’t endorse the “end of days” scenario, the heretic Lindzen has been labeled a “shill” for the oil companies and a “hood ornament” for the automakers.


  1. Anonymous1:05 AM

    "Mind you," very slick. As in mind you, Gore's side is basically right, but let's gloss over that for now.

    The important issue is that America's ecological policy is controlled by Larry David's wife, and she's got to be stopped!

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    "Mind you," very slick. As in mind you, Gore's side is basically right, but let's gloss over that for now.

    The use of "mind you" somehow acknowledges Gore's side is basically right? What the hell??? That's a pretty damn big jump, even for the house troll. I mean, sure, global warming may exist, but for Gore to be right, it has to be anthropogenic. Either troll's not very bright, troll's not listening to Gore, troll's brandishing a logical fallacy, or all of the above. Very slick, indeed.
