Friday, August 04, 2006

Short answer: no

Here’s David Brooks with “Can pleas for peace defeat a culture of terrorism?” (Free Republic link):

Many of those calling for this immediate cease-fire are people of good will whose anguish over the wartime suffering overrides long-term considerations. Some are European leaders who want Hezbollah destroyed but who don’t want anybody to actually do it. Some are professional diplomats, acolytes of the view that holds that “talks” and “engagement” can iron out any problem.

The best of them have a serious case to make. It’s true, they say, that Israel may degrade Hezbollah if it keeps fighting, but it may also sow so much instability that it ends up toppling the same Lebanese government that it is trying to strengthen.

They point to real risks, but if a cease-fire is imposed now, there won’t be only risks. There will be dead certainties. If Hezbollah emerges from this moment still strong, it will tower like a giant over the Lebanese government. Extremist groups around the world will be swamped with recruits. The defenders of nation states and the sponsors of Resolution 1559 will be humiliated. Israel’s deterrence power will be shattered.
Meanwhile, from Fox News: “Hezbollah Launches Deep Rocket Strike on Israel.” Those would be the rockets supplied by Iran, which will be receiving a strongly-worded letter from the United Nations very soon.

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