Thursday, August 31, 2006

Let’s get adequately prepared to rumble

Labor Day is almost upon us, signaling the start of the silly political season. One political party is measuring the curtains (at least in the House of Representatives) while the other party is depressed. Let’s see where we stand in the polls:

Republicans have moved closer to the Democrats in a congressional voter-preference poll just as the election campaigns near the official Labor Day starting gate.
The surprising findings in a little-noticed Gallup Poll that were ignored by most of the national news media shows the Democrats barely leading the Republicans by just two points -- 47 percent to 45 percent.
So it’s all even from the start. Who has more gas in the tank?

But the flare-up underscores one of the Democrats' biggest worries about this fall's elections: money. Top party officials are fretting that the GOP will dominate the ad wars in September and October. "My greatest fear is there will be a wall of money coming in at the end," said David Plouffe, a Democratic strategist working on some of the House campaigns. House Democrats actually have almost the same amount of money as House Republicans, $33 million to $34 million, but the Republican National Committee has $43 million, compared to $11 million for Dean's DNC.
Plus, you can bet that Americans will be unnerved by the thought of “Speaker Pelosi” as we approach the five-year anniversary of 9/11. Then there’s this final twist from USA Today: “Gasoline prices could keep falling

"The only place they have to go is down," says Fred Rozell, gasoline analyst at the Oil Price Information Service (OPIS). "We'll be closer to $2 than $3 come Thanksgiving."
It’s gonna be interesting.


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

    John Kerry is a ******** psycho
    Pelosi is also a ******** psycho
    Minority Leader Harry Reed is a psycho
    Bill Clinton is a psycho
    John Edwards is a neurotic
    Hillary Clinton is a dog in heat
    Al Gore is a junkyard dog

    Which party do you think is going to win?? Its not hard to come to a conclusion

  2. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Call me crazy, but I think all seven of those people are going to win their hotly-contested elections in November.

  3. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Normally, midterm elections revolve around local issues. The Democrats have worked ceaselessly to nationalize the election ("send a message to Bush"). George Bush and Karl Rove have foolishly taken this bait. They're pushing their management of the war as their September talking point, which for some reason they think will win them votes the third time around.

    We already knew their lucky-7's streak was over, but this reaction is just stupid. John Kerry lost primarily because the GOP dictated the terms. And someone as sharp as Karl Rove has forgotten this after a year and a half? Maybe his five rounds of unseen testimony in the Plame case knocked him for more of a loop than they'll ever admit.
    He HADN'T stopped Fitzmas from coming! IT CAME!
    Somehow or other, it came just the same!

    It won't be a tsunami. Chances are, the Democrats will only cover about 60% or 70% of the ground they'd need to take over Congress. At that point, you can look for the RNC to spin the results as a net Republican win. Good luck and God bless. As Pyrrhus said, "One more such victory, and we shall be lost!"

  4. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Gas prices can't get any worse! Iraq can't get (much) worse! Redistricting will save our butts! Corporations are funneling more money to us! That's some GOP platform.

    This is how well Bush's "running on national security" gambit is paying off. The Democrats will be bringing up a vote of no confidence in Donald Rumsfeld, six weeks before the elections.

    Karl Rove's scare tactics are starting to look a lot like Charlie Brown's Halloween ghost costume.
