Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Kerry says: “We need to reform health care” Forgets he’s a U.S. Senator

Back in the mid-1970’s, way before the embarrassing knock-off of “America’s Got Talent,” there was a crazy-quilt variety show called “The Gong Show.” Every once and a while a character would come out with some kind of musical instrument and sing this song:

“I’m gonna play my _______”
(Audience: “Whadda ya gonna do?”)
“I’m gonna play my _______”
(Audience: “Whadda ya gonna do?”)
“I’m gonna play my _______ now!”

This call-and-response would repeat until commercial and he would never play his trumpet, or xylophone, or tuba. It’s funny how memory works, but this guy leapt into my noggin after reading this story: “Kerry proposal calls for insurance for all by 2012”:

Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat, used a Faneuil Hall speech to label healthcare ``the great unfinished business of half a century." Though he laid most of the blame on Republicans and the Bush administration, he made clear that he believes Democrats haven't done enough to find solutions for the more than 45 million Americans who lack health insurance.
Darn those Democrats! If only there was somebody up on Capitol Hill who could, oh I don’t know, introduce a health care reform bill. Maybe somebody who’s been kicking around for twenty years and could “lead the fight” for national health insurance. But no, we have John Kerry, whose interest in this issue has paralleled exactly with Presidential ambitions:

“I’m gonna reform health care!”
(Whadda ya gonna do?)
“I’m gonna reform health care!”
(Whadda ya gonna do?)
“I’m gonna reform health care, now!”

To be fair, the Senator does have a “plan” which he details in this Huffington Post:

We must and will control the skyrocketing premiums, co-pays, and exclusions that make a mockery of the insurance hard-working families pay for month after month. No longer will families be pushed into bankruptcy by medical bills they can't pay -- no longer will sons and daughters have to choose between paying for a doctor's bill for one child or college tuition for another -- it is time to finally guarantee that as health care costs are held down, Americans get the health care they need and deserve.
You see, it’s very straightforward. Health care is complicated, unavailable, and expensive. John Kerry will make it simple, universal, and cheap. Details are for chumps.

Extra – I couldn’t find the instrument guy but here’s Gene Gene the Dancing Machine!

More – From Ex-Donkey: “Kerry attracts more flies than supporters in Iowa”: “Unfortunately for Kerry he was only able to round up enough senior citizens for a rousing game of Mahjong.”

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