Thursday, August 24, 2006

It stinks – Journalist Matthew Hoy can’t believe that the New York Times has hired a perfume critic: “the biggest waste of scarce journalistic resources in the history of mankind.”


  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I think it's great that even in a declining economy, a small business like the New York Times is able to expand:

    Media Firms Counted As Small Businesses
    Tue Aug 1, 2006
    by Frank Bass, AP Writer
    WASHINGTON — Some of the nation's largest news media companies, including The Associated Press, were counted last year by the government as small businesses for contracting purposes, inflating the Bush administration's record of help to small companies.

    Other media companies cited as small businesses included The New York Times Co., USA Today International Corp., Bloomberg L.P. and the Public Broadcasting Service, according to data the administration gave congressional investigators.

    The media companies join other corporate giants like ExxonMobil and Microsoft Corp. that congressional investigators identified last week as companies listed as small businesses by the White House. The companies say the government erroneously gave them that designation and they did not portray themselves as small businesses to win the contracts.

    Full article:

  2. How long before this critic ties a bad perfume to Bush? Just remember I said that.

  3. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Don't worry: that one is all yours.

    Linking the NY Times to the NY Times... what further sophist deviltry will the Defeatocrats try to pull next?

  4. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Thats all they need for the New York Sewer a purfume critic will they go about smelling the difference between a skunk and a rose? SMELLOVISION IS BACK
