Thursday, August 24, 2006

Forget what you learned in the 4th gradeNow there are eight planets.

This screws up my mnemonic device: “My very easy method, just set up nine planets” which will have to change to “My very easy method, just sweep up nails” or something.


  1. I am very, very pissed about Pluto getting jobbed like this. These scientists should be slapped around.

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    What we learned in FOURTH grade? And we thought you were tall!

  3. The Jovians would not consider Earth a Planet due to it's puny size.

  4. Anonymous8:12 PM

    All they tell them in 4th grade anymore is this stupid SAVE THE RAINFORESTS crap or THE EARTH IS WARMING AND ITS OUR FUALT poppycock no wonder the kids cant read becuase they have too many idiots teaching them the enviromental junk
