Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Connecticut report – On my commute this morning through the towns of Bloomfield, Simsbury, and Avon, about three dozen “Vote JOE” signs had been planted overnight. Turnout at the two polling places (schools) I passed seemed light, whatever that means. I wish I could be as optimistic as some bloggers and commenters (that means you, Brian) but I get the vibe from my CT co-workers that there’s no enthusiasm left for Lieberman.


  1. Well Eric, if I am wrong, I get to sit back and laugh at watching all of the other Democrats fall all over each to be more anti-war.

    Perhaps I "misoverestimated" the Democrats of Connecticut. We'll see soon enough. I'll be here for updates.

  2. Anonymous9:29 PM

    As long as we're laughing it up, it's just slightly hilarious that the only people feeling bad about Lieberman's impending retirement are non-Connecticut Republicans.

    And amazingly, the many conservatives paying tribute to Lieberman's alleged "honor" and "bravery" and "honesty" today are the same ones who were chuckling at the "LOSERMAN" signs six years ago. But this isn't a cynical flipflop, oh no. It's merely overdue recognition of a great, principled statesman.

    It's sad when any beloved pet has to be put to sleep. Perhaps the GOP could stage another midnight intervention, and write some special Terri Schiavo legislation for waggy, licky Friendly Ol' Joe.

    They'd just better hope that Joseph Lieberman is a dog, and not the canary in the coal mine for their November.

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Lieberman was brave for defending the Iraq war, when his party had turned against it. This bravery wasn't apparent in 2000 when he ran for VP.

    So, we opposed him when he ran against Bush in 2000, and supported him when he ran against a far lefty cut-and-runner this year.

    You call that a "cynical flipflop"? Good grief. No doubt you voted for him in 2000, but opposed him this year. Was that a "cynical flipflop"?

  4. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Why the touchiness? I said "this isn't a cynical flipflop, oh no." That is, unless you've spotted something humorously incongruous about Lieberman's '06 base of support?

    There was nothing "brave" about a candidate who'd repeatedly hit the glass ceiling in his party trying to amble his way over to the next room.

    Nor was it "brave" for Fightin' Joe to hitch his political fortunes to the war when he did. That is, unless you also admire the principled courage of Hillary Clinton.

    But today, as we watch Lieberman clinging to office, refusing to admit any mistakes, his political capital vanished, it's easy to see why he resonates with Republicans.
