Monday, August 14, 2006

Civil rights silliness

If you want to understand why civil rights groups get little respect, look no further than this piece of nonsense from today’s WashPost. In “Still battling voter suppression,” author Jabari Asim indiscriminately raises the specter of Jim Crow, poll taxes, and compares the hardship of a Congolese man walking two hours to vote to an effort in several states to get voters to show identification.

It's easy to imagine, for instance, that in such a country, Mbaguna could have been stopped short of the polls and turned away for some untenable reason -- say, lack of a photo ID. In Congo, sure, but certainly not in the good ol' U.S. of A.
Oh the humanity! Asking a person to produce the same identification he/she would have to show to purchase a six-pack. Is this still America? Asim follows up with this inexplicable sentence:

Lower-income Missourians will have to fork over their feeble funds to buy the documents needed to get the ID cards, which will be free.
Huh? It’s a shame that Asim couldn’t make his case without resorting to the typical hyperbole of the modern civil rights business movement. When Martin Luther King was marching, blacks were being lynched for voting; Asim inadvisably tries to conflate this with showing a laminated card.

Extra – From GOP Bloggers: ‘Why MLK was a Republican

1 comment:

  1. Why do you have to show an id to buy a gun (2nd amendment), but not to vote?

    Isn't that unfairly disadvantaging the poor gun purchaser? Jim Crow!! Lynching!!
