Monday, August 28, 2006

Al Gore shifts focus

What happened to global warming, Al?

Americans shouldn't expect Mother Nature to help with their heating bills this winter because it's going to be nippy, according to the Farmers' Almanac. This winter will be much colder than normal from coast to coast, the 190-year-old publication predicts in its latest edition.
Quick, what’s the next ManBearPig? Al says: Fox News is undermining democracy! Ah, it’s a golden oldie. You can’t go wrong with the ole “stolen election” schtick.

Extra – From Tim Blair: “Cruel Ice in Retreat


  1. Boy, for the guy who invented the Internet, he sure doesn't seem to pay much attention to it or understand it very well.

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    You have to love the science here: "Famine? What famine? I just ate lunch."

    It looks like everything... even things you'd think would be bipartisan interests like an ozone layer... has been subsumed by "root, root, root for the home team."
