Sunday, July 16, 2006

Who gave cruise missiles to Hezbollah?

Jay Tea not only believes Iran transported cruise missiles to the terrorists, he also believes the Iranians launched them against Israeli targets, due to the technological challenges.

In the Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby says “It all boils down to Iran”:

And so Israel finds itself at war again, this time on two fronts against two of the most lethal terrorist forces in the world. Except that the real enemy confronting it is not Hamas and Hezbollah. Terrorist organizations cannot function without state sponsorship, and no state anywhere sponsors more Islamist terrorism than Iran.
What’s to be done about Ahmadinejad's terrorist-sponsoring, yellowcake-enriching regime? Iran ignores every piece of parchment with a United Nations letterhead and economic sanctions will be useless with oil at $70+ a barrel. By arming and supporting terrorist groups, it almost seems like President Dinner-Jacket is inviting a military response.

Follow-up - Syrian rockets too.


  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    The silver lining here is that the U.S. military isn't overextended, so we're well positioned to handle the crisis. Especially since we have a lot of capital, diplomatic capital.

    In the end, the Bush Doctrine will win the day. Democratic elections in the Arab world, such as the one held by the Palestinians last year, will lead to a new era of peace and prosperity.

  2. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Ah, truer words were never spoken Annie. From you fingers to God's CRT.

