Friday, July 21, 2006

Who can unravel this mystery?

From Fox News: “Indian police arrest 3 for Mumbai train bombings”:

Indian police investigating the Mumbai train bombings have made their first arrests, picking up three men who officers said Friday were linked to terror networks across South Asia.

All three suspects were picked up Thursday, and "we have definite evidence that these people are linked to terrorist activities," one of the lead investigators, K.P. Raghuvanshi, told reporters Friday. "They have connections with groups in Nepal and Bangladesh, which are directly or indirectly connected to Pakistan."

Pressed for details, Raghuvanshi would only say: "We will place the evidence before the court."
Three men of an undetermined quality. Perhaps their names can shed some light on their backgrounds: Khaleel Aziz Sheikh, Kamal Ahmed Ansari and Mumtaz Ahmed Chowdhury.


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Wow. It's a real eye-opener to learn that more surreptitious bomb plots in Mumbai, India aren't orchestrated by Sven Sundstrom, Olaf Jacobsen, and Inga Bloomquist.

  2. Once again, those right-wing Christian Nazi skinheads bomb the darkies.
