Monday, July 24, 2006

Well that’s just great – From Fox News: “Gas prices hit record high


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    But... I read this 3 and a half weeks ago!
    But at least the Democrats can depend on high gas prices, right? Right? Uh-oh.

    Well, what do you know? Right.
    Got a license for that gun you jumped?

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    And yet it will be no help to the Democratic party. Why would high gas prices help the party that wants to restricts demoestic drilling and refining and opposes nuclear energy production?

    Expect more ANWR noise through the fall.


  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Hey, I think it's time for the Dems to revive their idea for a $.50 surtax per gallon on gas. Do they have a license for that gun they jumped? (Not that they'd have a gun. Those are all had by their security guys. Well, except for poor Dems, who aren't allowed to defend themselves, as in D.C. and just have to wait for the cops and hope. Kennedys, Kerrys, O'Donnells, etc can afford to have someone else holding that gun to be jumped.)

  4. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Wait, now I'm confused. I've been told it's the hyperlib moonbats who ramble and make no sense. What's happening to our world???
