Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Voters are itching to send Joe Lieberman packing

Just not Connecticut voters. From NRO Sixers:

The Stamford Advocate is reporting that 70 percent of Ned Lamont's campaign donations have come from outside the state of Connecticut. Isn't grassroots support supposed to be, you know, at the local level? This is starting to look a whole lot like Howard Dean's pre-Iowa implosion where Joe Trippe [sic] had empty buses driving around for the benefit of reporters in a show of faux support. Howard Dean had a lot of supporters around the country in 2004, just not many in Iowa.
You know, I don’t live in Connecticut but I work there and get the Hartford stations up here in Western Massachusetts. If there’s a groundswell brewing for Ned Lamont, it’s the stealthiest campaign I’ve ever seen. Over the past four months, I’ve seen a single Lamont bumper sticker and I commute a hundred miles a day. My prediction: Lieberman wins the primary handily (sending Kos to a 0-21 record) and we’ll be wondering why we ever believed an inexperienced nobody from Greenwich had a chance against an experienced and well-regarded senator.


  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    70 percent?!?!? Whoops, we'd better boldface that one... 70 percent?!?!? That's absolutely shocking! It totally undermines the credibility of any candidate!



  2. No way Lieberman loses. LaMont is a Potemkin candidacy.

  3. Anonymous12:13 AM

    I think Lamont will win on his commanding, charismatic presence as evidenced in his ads. The guy's a natural leader. He reminds me of Captain Kirk, only without the sex appeal. Natural leader. Trust me.

  4. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Either Lieberman wins now, or Lieberman wins later. It's an oddball situation that's not even a very good bellwether for the upcoming election.

    We're just all laughing at the "why, Lamont's support isn't even good clean Connecticut support!" attack that crashed on the launch pad.

    Though less sincerely offered, Anon's "Lamont lacks charisma!" effort is another strong comedy routine, considering that Lamont's running against Mr. Dynamic Energy himself.

    If Lamont is an unsexy Capt. Kirk, what's No-Mentum Joe Lieberman? Data minus the circuit board?

  5. Connecticut Democrat politics have been almost as corrupt as Chicago politics under Al Capone. Only the ballotbox stuffers know the final result as they did when Gov. Bill "Governor Who?" O'Neill stole a Democrat primary from then US Rep. Toby Moffett.

    Speaking as an Honorary Citizen of Norwalk, CT, this is one reason I left CT!!!!
