Sunday, July 30, 2006

This will leave a smile on my face for three days – “Hellmuth and Brunson Knocked Out of WSOP”: “Phil Hellmuth made his traditional grand entrance into the main event late, of course, and with lots of fanfare. Not long after sitting down, though, the 10-time winner at the World Series of Poker was back on his way out.”

Not long = six hours.

Good. Good good good. There is a God and Justice in the world. Can’t wait for the ESPN video. (Hat tip to Red State)


  1. I was so happy when I heard that last night. To hell with Hellmuth.

    Oh, and you woul dhave been proud of me today my cyberpal as I finished 10th out of 111 entrants at the Santa Ana Star casino (just outside Albuquerque, New Mexico) freezeout tourney tonight.

  2. More good news...Mike the Mouth Matasow is out. He flopped a set of 7s but a guy with a King high flush draw sucked out on him.

  3. How could Hellmuth be out. He always has the best hand. Always -- at least that's what he always says.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  4. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I have to disagree. Hellmuth makes watching the WSOP much more entertainng. He is a jerk, but he is fun to watch.
