Saturday, July 29, 2006

This is John Bolton’s fault – “Iran Will Reject Proposed U.N. Resolution on Nuclear Program” Shocking, I know.


  1. Of course, another example of Bush's failed policies. If he would only allow Iran to enrich uranium, develop nuclear bombs, and help them with all of the technology they need, Iran would comply with the will of the international community.

    None of this would have happened if Kerry had won the election.

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Funny, all we heard that John Bolton was a take-no-nonsense kind of guy. And now all the chump does is take nonsense. Stupid reality! You stink!

    Love the logic, though. Any Bush failure = what would have been an even BIGGER hypothetical failure for Kerry/Gore/Clinton/whoever. Q.E.Duh. And the good news is that 30% of Americans agree with you!
