Saturday, July 08, 2006

Tax revenues drive down deficit

This I learned from the New York Times (!!!):

An unexpectedly steep rise in tax revenues from corporations and the wealthy is driving down the projected budget deficit this year, even though spending has climbed sharply because of the war in Iraq and the cost of hurricane relief.
Wait a second. According to liberal lore, lower tax rates should have resulted in lower tax revenues. Not so. The U.S. economy is the swizzle stick that stirs the drink.


  1. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Even when the economy is good it's bad when a Republican is president. And that line about volatile tax receipts is just a hoot. Try plotting it over the past 20 years on a monthly basis and see what it looks like.


  2. "Unexpected steep rise?" Unexpected by who? Why the liberal leftist dopes at the NY Times, that's who. Evderyone else who understand economics expected just that.
