Sunday, July 09, 2006

Red lines fade

Here’s Bill Kristol on North Korea:

The red lines, pink lines, and mauve lines of U.S. foreign policy seem increasingly to be written in erasable ink. What was "unacceptable" to President Bush a week ago (a North Korean missile launch) has been accepted. In retrospect, according to a draft Security Council resolution, the missile launch turns out merely to have been "regrettable." Our assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Christopher Hill, visited China at the end of last week, where he was rebuffed by Beijing on sanctions for Pyongyang. He settled for an agreement that we should all return to the six-party talks.
These talks have worked so well in the past…for North Korea. We send them food and energy aid and they agree to stop nuclear production. Which they do, for a couple of months. Repeat.

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