Sunday, July 16, 2006

A real solution – I know I often criticize the Democrats for failing to articulate their positions and come up with realistic policies. But Jane Harman (D-CA) sure showed me on “Face the Nation” this morning:

Bob Schiffer: “How could we have disarmed them [Hezbollah]?”
Rep. Harman: “How – well, we could’ve insisted that the Lebanese government disarm them.”
Schiffer: “I see.”
Brilliant. Now why didn’t Condi Rice think of that?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    "...criticize the Democrats for failing to articulate their positions and come up with realistic policies."

    By all means, let's criticize a particular leftist Representative who gave a blithering non-answer on a talk show.

    While continuing to support and defend the party whose presumably better articulated positions and more realistic policies have paid off so handsomely.

    Tsk, tsk. The way those Democrats have failed the reality test regarding the Iraq occupation, it's just terrible.
