Saturday, July 22, 2006

Plastic turkey alert

Derrick Jackson in the Boston Globe criticizing Bush’s speech to the NAACP:

His praise of the Voting Rights Act was, of course, the most ironic moment of his speech, considering how he gained the Oval Office with the massive disqualification of black ballots in Florida.
A remarkable conspiracy that, employing the unlikely assistance of Democratic voting officials in Democratic districts somehow discerning the race of a voter based on his/her punchcard. Selected, not elected! (The Rovian version of spoiled ballots by those liars at the WashPost here.)


  1. i voted for gore in 2000.
    thought he was more of a hawk than bush. didn;t like he fact that gHwb had left saddam in power in 1991, thought his son would do the same.


    i watched every second of the USCivil Rights Commission's hearings on florida expecting them to find a smoking gun.

    they found bupkus.

    it was then i gave up my bds.

    most of the bds folks on the left still believe bish stole the 2000 and then the 2004 elections.

    i think this central to their worldview - it posions it.

    the left's unwillingness to admit their ideology has failed miserably at actually accomplishing any of its stated goals - (and this has been obvious to any & all RATIONAL observers ever since reagan & thatcher revitlized the USA and the UK and since the USSR collapsed) - creates their DIATHESIS/prediposition for bds.

    to get the remaining leftist to abandon their bds we have to get them to admit that reagan and thatcher were right and that marx and mao and fidel and che and allende and hochiminh and all other socialist were wrong.

    and that ain't easy. i know: i was raised a commie by card-carryiong commies and grew up with the radical chic - like davoid horowitz.

    ultimately, we will win only when we rid the MSM and academia of their dominat left-wing bias - a bias which "re-educates" our young every year.

    and i mean re-educates in the marxist sense: as in brainwashes with propaganda.

    horowitz's efforts and the blgospheres efforts are key to the success of this.

    all the best!

  2. Derrizk Z. Jackson is the same guy who was upset that we pulled Saddam out of that hole withyout a search warrant. I didn't make that up. He wrote it in his column. He wrote:

    "With no weapons, no ties, and no truth, the capture of Saddam was merely the most massive and irresponsible police raid in modern times. We broke in without a search warrant."

    He is a scumbag laftist.

  3. Anonymous6:10 PM

    "Those liars at the Washington Post"! We get the sarcasm, and it's good to see you accept the truth of the Post's reporting on matters of electoral fraud.

    Howard Schmidt, former chief of security at Microsoft and President Bush's former cybersecurity adviser, also endorsed the Brennan report.
    "It's not a question of 'if,' it's a question of 'when,' " (VA-Rep.) Davis said of an attempt to manipulate election results.
    Many of the criticisms of voting technology were originally dismissed as exaggerations promulgated by partisans displeased with election results. But the criticisms have been viewed with increasing gravity as prominent computer scientists have rallied behind them.

    Summation: Sore Loserman! Haw!

    P.S. Keep right on clinging to that crucial word "plastic" to dismiss critics of Bush's Thanksgiving photo op. See, the Saturday Evening Post prop turkey that Bush held up wasn't plastic. So even though Bush didn't serve it, and no soldiers ate it, the stunt simply didn't happen!
