Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Loose is loose – I don’t know why the Boston Globe insists on reporting that “the bolts had pulled out of the ceiling by half an inch” in the Ted Williams tunnel. What difference does a half-inch, a quarter-inch or a millimeter make? If the support bolt has moved at all, that means it has broken free of the epoxy used to hold up panels in the tunnel. It can hold no weight.


  1. Eric you dope. How dare you show your ignorance with this post? You should know better than to wonder why those dolts at the Globe don't know a thing about bolts. They don't know anything that requires a thought beyond responding that something was caused by racism, sexism, homophobia, and hetereonormative thought.

  2. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Yeah! You tell 'em, Bri! Raaarrgghhh!!!

    And the Globe's crossword puzzle wants our soldiers to die in Iraq, too! Grrrr!!!

  3. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Hey! So what if a few more heavy concrete panels fall on a few people and kill them? All the politicians and fixers and banks and unions and union bosses and construction firms have made their billions. Why should the Globe bridle at a few deaths of ordinary citizens? Just the cost of doing business.

    'Sides, isn't Whitey Bulger (sp?) still at large but pretty much known to be in the general Boston area? If the globe doesn't care about him, why should they care about a few (potential) dead civilians?

  4. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Errr... not to interrupt you boys and your Two Minute Hate session... but have you actually read the article in the link? It makes no apologies or excuses, doesn't suggest that a half-inch shift isn't much, doesn't mention racism or sexism or lesbian Eskimo rights even in passing, and shows no favoritism for contractors over measly squashed citizens.

    As for the other non sequitur, a websearch for Whitey Bulger and the Boston Globe produces 11,000+ hits... the very first one reads "Through it all, Boston Globe reporters have led the way in uncovering the sordid details of Bulger's life of crime..."

    But hey, the Globe's a Boston paper, and lefty liberals suck. So rave on, dudes. Rave on. Don't let reality slow you down.

  5. Two minutes hate? Why, how Orwellian of you to mention that!
