Tuesday, July 18, 2006

It’s primary night in Georgia – Have voters in the Fourth District finally had their fill of cop-slappin’, no-legislation-passin’, debate-ducker Cynthia McKinney? As of this writing (10:30 EST) with 27% of precincts reporting, she’s losing to Hank Johnson 48.8%-41.2%.

More – Follow the tracking on this Free Republic thread. Gotta go to bed.

Follow-up – With 59% reporting, it’s a dead heat! She’ll probably pull it out. After all, she gerrymandered the district.


  1. Anonymous1:24 AM

    After all, she gerrymandered the district.

    Call her Cynthia "the Hammer"!

    Unlike Tom DeLay, she has no mug shot.

  2. Anonymous3:12 AM

    98% of precincts reporting
    John F. Coyne, III 5,214 8.6%
    Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Jr. 27,075 44.5%
    Cynthia McKinney 28,505 46.9%

    Oh snap! "Hank" got bitch slapped!

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    So. This means a run-off, no? Isn't that generally a sign of weakness in an incumbent? Will the 3% who didn't vote for McKinney (Nutcase, GA) vote for her now?

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Incumbent McKinney was defeated in the 2002 Democratic primary, and lost her seat. Now that's a sign of weakness.

    In 2004, after the seat was vacated, McKinney ran and won, but just barely topped 50% to avoid a runoff. This time, with half as many candidates on the ballot, her opponents just barely forced a runoff.

    The district has been in play for the last few elections. It ain't like this is Strom Thurmond's or Teddy Kennedy's lifetime seat we're talking about.
