Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Globalist quiz

From the Boston Globe:

Today, the Democratic Republic of Congo goes to the polls to elect a new president. Under President Mobutu Sese Seko, who died in 1997, Zaire (as the country was then called) saw its per capita gross domestic product decline by an average of 4.9 percent per year between 1980 and 2000, the worst record among countries for which data are available.

As Congo heads to the polls, we wonder: What is most remarkable about its recent past?

A. Fastest economic growth rate
B. Received more development aid than any other country
C. Highest birth rate in the world
D. Lowest income per capita in the world
Answer here.


  1. Of course, liberals all think the answer is: "well, just send them more money"

  2. Hey, if John Kerry had been elected president, Congo would be in great shape now.
