Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Glass half empty, half full. Entitlements will evaporate remaining water.

From Fox News: "Bush touts lower budget deficit figures"
The 2006 federal deficit will be lower than expected, thanks to added tax revenue, President Bush said Tuesday. Additional revenue generated from groups that pay their taxes quarterly — primarily corporations, small businesses and the wealthy — dropped the projected federal deficit for the 2006 budget year to $296 billion, a $127 billion decrease from a February estimate, Bush said.
That's good!
Calling the numbers a "concocted victory lap," House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., released a statement saying the budget deficit "would constitute the fourth largest deficit in American history."
That's bad!
Though numerically the budget deficit is among the highest recorded, as a measure of gross domestic product, 2.3 percent, it ranks lower than the deficits in 17 of the past 25 years.
We're in good shape!
Bush said the short-term deficit has been a challenge, but the real threat of overspending comes from unsustainable growth for entitlement programs — Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
We're boned!

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