Saturday, July 15, 2006

Election 2006 notes from Real Clear Politics

This will drive the Nutroots absolutely batty:

CT Senate: David Lightman of the Hartford Courant's Washington Bureau examines Joe Lieberman's voting record and comes to the conclusion: "By the numbers, Joe Lieberman is a true, consistent Democrat."

Deborah Orin of the New York Post says Hillary is kinda sorta backing Lieberman and also that, "more independents are registering as Democrats, presumably to vote for him."
Get ready for the wailing and rending of clothes over “impure Democrats” voting for Lieberman.


  1. Anonymous12:22 AM

    I don't know who the "Nutroots" are, presumably that's standard internet namecalling. Look out, Bushitler and Moonbat... Nutroot (58 Google hits strong) is comin' for you!

    But the real question is: why would the Democrats be "driven absolutely batty" by a Lieberman win? It's implausible. Somebody has to be the most conservative Democrat in the Senate at any given time, just as somebody has to be the most liberal Republican. And while the GOP would love to replace Olympia Snowe or Arlen Specter or whoever with Dick Cheney replicants, that's not really the choice on the table, is it? The Republicans love their majority a lot more than they despise their "purplish" Senators.

    So when the Democrats are trying to beat the numbers game odds, exactly how does it benefit them to shove Lieberman over to an independent Senate seat? The GOP didn't exactly hit a grand slam by dicking Jim Jeffords around.
