Sunday, July 02, 2006

Amazing aviation - Today, we visited the Air & Space Museum annex outside of Dulles International Airport, a cavernous football-field size hanger that houses the Enola Gay, the space shuttle Enterprise, one of the Concordes, a couple of MiGs and even a collection of hang gliders. It was a real treat and not too crowded for a holiday weekend. $12 for parking but free to get in, although they'll recoup some cash in the gift shop.


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    The SMITHSONIAN AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM a grreat place altogh i have never been there they do have the WRIGHT BROTHERS FLYER and THE SPIRIT OF ST LOIUS as well and various aircraft from WW I WW II and KOREA and even the origional star ship USS ENTERPRISE

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

