Thursday, June 08, 2006

So, did I miss anything today?

This is one of the problems for a blogger who has to work at a real job: I don’t get a chance to update until after I get home. Here are some catch-up links:

Boston Globe – “Zarqawi killed in attack
WashPost – Transcript of President Bush’s statement
Multi-national Force press release

And today’s “Every silver lining has a cloud” moment comes from CNN’s American Morning:

M. O'BRIEN: We're inside two minutes from hearing from the president. He'll be speaking to the nation from the Rose Garden. We'll, of course, bring it to you the moment it happens. But in the meantime, Candy, as -- we see the Oval Office there, a quick picture there of what's going on in there right now -- one of the things that is potentially difficult, a little bit of a political tightrope here, is it does remind folks that Osama bin Laden has not been captured.
Yeah, that sucks.

Extra – My wife works at the language translation center at the University of Massachusetts and she reported that the Iraqi translator in the center was “ecstatic” at the news and kept calling home to get reports. Allegedly, there’s much dancing in the streets. True story, faithfully reported.


  1. Just to boost your spirits, I thought I would let you know that Viking Pundit is now my most favorite internet site. If I didn't have my own political website, your's would be my homepage.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. You're pulling my leg.

    The *whole* Internet? Even better than "Britney Spears guide to semi-conductor physics"? No way.

  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Yah, for me you're still behind "Britney Spears guide to semi-conductor physics' but you are gaining.

    Her physics is strong, but she's a little weaker in the political commentary area.


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