Thursday, June 15, 2006

Senator Splunge repositions – Joan Vennochi nails it in today’s Boston Globe: “The new Kerry's problem isn't a change of heart on the Iraq invasion. Public sentiment reflects a similar shift and a desire to focus on ending the conflict, not endlessly second-guessing the decision to start it. The new Kerry's problem is the need to overcome skepticism about his motives from the very start.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Kerry reminds me of a friend we nicknamed 'Wedge'. This was because he was a 'tool' and not all that bright. The wedge is just about the simplest tool that exists. Thus, my friend, 'Wedge'. (He thought it was neat to have a nickname, but then he didn't understand why we called him that, the tool.)

    Kerry is a 'tool'. He just doesn't get it. He appears to be a result of that patrician upbringing, which presumes the possessor of such upbringing to automatically be a superior example of humanity, and his Leftist positions, which causes those on the Left to believe that those who hold such positions are somehow more intelligent than those who don't.

    Thus, we get Kerry the Tool, who simply presumes himself to be a supesrior intelligence who should naturally lead the rest of us has a choir on the Left who keep telling us that this lying, straddling, back-pedalling pussy is a good choice for President. Give me a break.
