Saturday, June 24, 2006

Quote of the day - Kim on Wizbang: “In today's editorial, the New York Times tries to defend itself after being roundly denounced for exposing an effective antiterror program that tracked terrorists' financial transactions. Their arguments are complete drivel.” Hey, those newspapers aren't going to sell themselves.

Extra - Michelle Malkin has dozens of Photoshopped WWII posters. Just keep scrolling.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:09 AM

    "Roundly denounced"? Perhaps Kim means round like a circle jerk? Bravo to the Times for not wussing out on the banking like they did in '04 with the illegal phone sweep.

    But double bravo to the always unpredictable Michelle Malkin! That "tweaking WWII posters" concept is so funny, and so original! RoboMalkin: fresh for 2006! Keep running rings 'round those liberals, Michelle!
