Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Put down the bong, Howard

Here’s a very confused Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean:

Dean said he is looking for "the age of enlightenment led by religious figures who want to greet Americans with a moral, uplifting vision."

Later in his speech Tuesday, Dean appeared to backtrack. "I'm not asking to go back to the '60s; we made some mistakes in the '60s," he said. "If you look at how we did public housing, we essentially created ghettoes for poor people" instead of using today's method of mixed-income housing.

Another mistake Democrats made in the '60s, Dean acknowledged, was that "we did give things away for free, and that's a huge mistake because that does create a culture of dependence, and that's not good for anybody, either," he noted, a reference to the Great Society welfare programs created by Democratic President Lyndon Johnson in the mid-1960s.
Yeah, those Democrats suck!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, an acid flashback 40 years later. I'm looking for my poster of Janis Joplin and dare I admit it, my Clean Gene bumpersticker. If I have to explain it then too bad.
