Sunday, June 18, 2006

The $oul of the Senate

Writing in the WashPost, Michael Grunwald is not so enamored with the nation’s longest-serving Senator:

Hugh Rogers, the president of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, once tried to persuade his U.S. senator to oppose a road through the mountains he loves, a billion-dollar boondoggle that had been lampooned nationwide as a "Road to Nowhere."

But his senator was Robert C. Byrd (D), the legendary pork dispenser who chaired the Senate Appropriations Committee at the time. And the road was the Robert C. Byrd Highway, the latest slice of asphalt in the Robert C. Byrd Appalachian Highway System, not to be confused with the Robert C. Byrd Expressway, Robert C. Byrd Freeway or Robert C. Byrd Drive.
I’ve generally opposed the idea of term limits, but Byrd’s unabashed record of pork-grabbing is enough to give pause.

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