Saturday, June 03, 2006

No no Nancy – Robert Novak has been beating this story for a while but here’s his latest: “Talk is increasing among House Democrats that if they fail to regain control after 12 years of a Republican majority, Rep. Nancy Pelosi should be replaced as the party's leader in the House.” Somewhat ironically, Novak cites Rahm Emanuel as Pelosi’s possible replacement. Since Emanuel is in charge of the Democrats’ Congressional Campaign Committee, it seems he would then have a vested interest in keeping Democrats away from Congress.


  1. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Is it possible that any of the Dems even like Pelosi? She doesn't seem to possess many, if any, of the usual qualities of successful political leaders except attracting money. Have they been trapped by their own political correctness? And heaven help them if they indeed turn to Rahm Emmanuel.


  2. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Let me get this straight. There are ambitious people within a minority party who, should their upcoming election cycle be less successful than they'd prefer, might then want to remove the leader of their still-minority party?

    Mother of pearl! Who could IMAGINE such a thing ever occurring in politics? Give newsbreaker Novak ten Pulitzers!

    JorgXMcKie is onto something important, too. A political leader who rose to prominence without being considered likeable? Inconceivable!
