Thursday, June 01, 2006

The kids can’t help it

Charlie Cook has a review of the history of midterm elections and history has not been kind to the President’s party. As always, I’m convinced the Democrats will engineer a Wellstone moment and unwittingly reveal to America their true nature:

It took me nearly one-third of my life to come to a simple conclusion: Liberals are elitists.

Now, maybe that's not such a big deal to some, but to me it has become quite bothersome. It's pretty clear to me now that average hard-working Americans, be they red-staters or blue-staters, can smell the stench of elitist, intellectual posturing by so-called liberals and progressives.
Maybe now’s a good time to mention Al Gore. Nah.


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Unfortunately, the Donks changed the rules and now incumbancy reigns supreme.

    With a few months to go, it looks like only modest gains for the Donks, but the Trunks keep power in both houses.

    I suspect the Donk spin on how not gaining control of either house is actually a win for the Donks to commence in late September.

  2. Anonymous11:36 PM

    So does McCain count as a Donk? :P He put on a nice pair of elephant ears and everything, the costume really is worth using for more than trick-or-treating, eh?

  3. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Oooh, don't you just hate when modest gains are spun as epochal victories?

    What's next for these treacherous spinning "Donks"? Nancy Pelosi saying that a 3-seat gain in the Senate gives the Democrats capital, political capital? And that now they intend to spend it?

  4. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Irony, thy name is apparently "wvwv."
