Monday, June 12, 2006

In praise of YearlyKos

Here’s Michael Barone about a year ago:

So what hath the blogosphere wrought? The left blogosphere has moved the Democrats off to the left, and the right blogosphere has undermined the credibility of the Republicans' adversaries in Old Media. Both changes help Bush and the Republicans.
Today, Byron York rounded out his coverage of YearlyKos with “What fame will bring to DailyKos”:

In his remarks introducing Mark Warner in Las Vegas last week, Moulitsas praised Warner for being one of the first to recognize the power of the liberal netroots—for realizing, in Moulitsas’s words, that “maybe we weren’t these far-left extremist wackos that everybody else seems to think we are.” Indeed, many participants in the convention expressed frustration with the way in which bloggers are sometimes portrayed. Yet the remarkable thing is how little scrutiny Moulitsas’s writings have received in major media outlets. Now, after YearlyKos and all the attention that came with it, it seems likely that will change.
So far, the Nutroots campaign has been less than successful with an 0-20 record for Kos-supported candidates. Ned Lamont will extend that record. Shine that spotlight.

Extra – From (natch!) Michael Barone: “Democrats are winning…except at the polls.”

More - Via Free Republic: "Chocolate, Elvis, and foil hats as politicians woo the bloggers."

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