Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hooverville, it’s not

Fox News: “U.S. economic growth leapt ahead at an upwardly revised 5.6 percent annual rate in the first quarter, helped by lower imports than first thought and generating strong corporate profits, the Commerce Department said on Thursday.”

Then the Fed eased back on rate hikes leading to this: “Stocks Soar After Fed Decision; Dow Up More Than 215 Points

And even with creeping inflation, the misery index is at a historically low level of 8.77%.

But at least the Democrats can depend on high gas prices, right? Right? Uh-oh.


  1. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Hey, you forgot to post the current housing sales stats. You were touting those every month for a while; they must be really be soaring now! Uhh, oops.

    Well, then, why don'tcha link to the newest unemployment and jobless claim numbers? That was another regular feature once. And whenever jobless claims are going down, it's a real bodyblow to the liberals' chances... oh deary, dear.

    The good news is that AAA said yesterday that gas has plunged all the way down to an average of $2.87 (*) a gallon! (*Pre-summer rates.) Sure, the White House's Energy Information Administration predicted the summer '06 price would be $2.28, but what can you buy with 60 cents anyway? And only a twelfth of Americans have reportedly cancelled their vacation plans due to the cost of gas! Whoooo!!! In your face, Howard Dean! U! S! A!

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    And still the Dems will lose.


  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Haven't you been paying attention to the Democratic Underground? All this good news about the economy is LIES! Lies, lies, damnedable LIES!!!!! Haven't you been reading DailyKos and the Democratic Underground? We're headed for economic chaos, the workers and the peasants are on the verge of revolting! And haven't you seen Al Gore's "An Inconvienent Truth"? The Earth i gonna melt us all, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!

    Can we call them the Chicken Little Party yet?

  4. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Haven't you been paying attention to the Republican Overground? All this bad news about the economy is LIES! Lies, lies, damnable LIES!!!!! Hell, even any indistinct news about the economy SHALL NEVER BE PERMITTED TO ENTER MY EARS.

    Can we call them the Ostrich Party yet?
