Saturday, June 10, 2006

Help - my son wants to be a computer programmer

Can anybody answer a question for me? Despite my hope that he would lose interest and forget about it, my 10-year old wants to learn how to program games. He will not shut up about obtaining a "C-compiler" although I'm not sure this is what he needs. Can anybody recommend what kind of software and/or hardware I might need for a very simple programming language? I'm thinking C+ or Java or even Virtual Basic might be too much for him. Thanks.

P.S. - I blame Lego Mindstorms for this obsession.


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    If you go to you can download free development tools for C++, C# & VB. There is even a link to information on build video games.

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    My nephew was probably that old, or less, when he first started flirting with Visual Basic, but it was hard enough to learn and his interest limited enough to put it off to the past year or two for real. He's 17 and has been taking VB and Java classes. He also has been using the various "build your own game levels" kits that exist for various games for years. Something like that might scratch the itch and be simple. Kind of like using wooden blocks and then Mega Blocks before moving on to Legos, Erector Sets, and Mindstorms.

    And what TonyG said about the free compilers and readily available information.

  3. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Mech Commander 2 source code available. Other games examples etc etc.

  4. Give him some golf clubs, show him a picture of Tiger Woods' wife, and let him run wild.

  5. With a big hat tip to TonyG, I download Microsoft's Visual Basic Express and I think he was doing something easy within an hour. So we'll see what happens now, won't we?

  6. Anonymous2:01 PM

    You might want to start him on something like HTML, which is not so much "programming" as "formatting", and let him design some web pages. He doesn't have to have internet access--he can store the pages locally on the HDD and navigate to them.

    As he gains some proficiency--and if he still displays interest--he can ramp up the learning. Add CSS. Add some simple DHTML and JScript/VBScript.

    If he's progressed through that and still shows the aptitude, then I'd invest in some additional programming tools. But the above can get him started for free and let you find out if this is truly a calling or just a phase.

  7. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Barry doesn't know what he's talking about.

    You think that just because some pundit on CNN disparaged software engineers during the .com bust?

  8. Anonymous5:35 PM

    There is a simple program called RPGmaker (aka role playing game maker). Costs about $50. Easy to use, easy to learn. I have two boys using it. They get to make the game they want without having to become computer experts.

    Just a hint, the game industry is now bigger than the movies. So when there is real money involved, the day of one person dreams becoming big sellers is over.
