Sunday, June 11, 2006

Guess which version will be making the rounds

From the NY Times: “U.S. General Calls Account of Zarqawi Beating 'Baloney'

Asked about the allegation of a beating, General Casey said, "The way I respond to the comments of the alleged Iraqi who saw what went on there is, that's baloney, and we've already gone back, looked at it." He also said "the idea that there were people there beating him is just ludicrous."

Another person who identified himself as a witness to Mr. Zarqawi's final moments, interviewed Sunday on Al Jazeera satellite network, made no mention of soldiers striking the man and suggested that American soldiers tore open his clothing in what appeared an effort to revive him.
Baloney…isn’t that a pork product? Oh, the humanity.


  1. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Okay, so we dropped 1,000 pounds of bombs on the guy's head. But punching him would be just too mean!

  2. Any logical person would laugh off at such claims as pure BS. Since this is the media we are talking about, they'll believe anything.

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Wow, we have a poster who was there in person for the actual Zarqawi capture!

    Tell us, Brian, did Abu say anything to you before he died? God and Allah know you can't trust the filthy media to accurately report important information like that. Just military spokesmen and open-minded online posters.

  4. Anonymous3:26 PM

    (From the post "What went wrong")

    "Their plan to fight terrorism consists of bringing home all troops and begging/pleading with killer islamofacists to kill us last."

    Yea, if you believe the right wing spin. When Bush made the statement "You're either with us, or against us." It was the most irrogant and arrogant (surprise, surprise!!) thing he could've said.

    The more we cause aggressive feelings towards are allies or other countries, the less likely we are to end terrorism.

    On sept. 12, 2001 the world had finally found the one thing they had been looking for since the dawn of times. The world was united against the cause of fighting terrorism, and Bush and the republicans squandered it.

    Please don't twist this like Bush did in asking other countries if we can invade another country to protect ourselves, that has nothing to do with it.

    It takes the intelligence of a third grader to figure out the entire world fighting against terrorism is more effective than one country doing it. Regardless of how powerful the American military is...use the analogy of looking for lost car keys.

    Isn't it a lot easier to have eight people looking for your keys over the house rather than you being the only one looking for them and not getting any help from anyone else? Chances are you are more likely to find the keys with help and in much shorter time.

    Thus, fighting terrorism is much better on a comprehensive plan that we all can agree on. And it will be more sucessful.

    "Their plan to stop the the expansion of government includes expanding and throwing more money at a flawed prescription drug benefit AND raising taxes."

    So what are you saying, you are scared of universal health care? OH GOD PLEASE NOT THAT!! OH GOD EVERYONE WILL BE COVERED BY HEALTH CARE! THOSE EVIL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT COMMIES!!"

    "Their plan (along with the President) is to allow as many illegals here as possible, so that average Joe American has to work for lower wages and less benefits in order to be competitive in the employment market."

    I want to show me exactly where a democrat said that, and even where president bush said that. Show me one democrat that has said he or she does not care about protecting borders, then get back to me. In fact, show me where President Bush said he does not care about protecting borders. Lets work with facts, not empty brained assumptions.

    "Their plan includes filling the judiciary with justices who think the Kelo decision was proper. Justices who feel it is their duty to craft decisions they 'feel' are right and proper...regardless of current existing law. "

    No, lets build more towards a supreme court that just recently ruled for a measure that would punish whistle blowers in a corporation in where the corporation might be involved in corruption because the whistle blowers are "obstructing in the efficiency of the company." And yes, Justice Roberts and Alito voted for this ruling.

    And what in the heck do you mean by "right and proper"? Ooooooh you must mean moral! And what do you mean by upholding existing law? You mean like upholding Roe V Wade? Because isn't that an existing law? Thats what republicans want right?

    Those evil activist judges that the president speaks of the ended racial discrimation and jim crow laws, and laws allowed interracial marriages.

    Your entire argument is based on assumption, next time, don't be so afraid to open your mind...

  5. Anonymous4:29 PM


    Wow!! Worst case of cranio-rectal inversion I've seen recently.

    Hope you enjoyed yourself.

  6. Sadly, I was not there to see Zarqawi suffer for 52 precious minutes. Given the choice to believe the goodball media who report some scum saying that our soldiers stomped on and beat him, or to trust my instincts given my knowledge of how the U.S. military operates, I'll trust our fine men and women who defend us every single time. You should be ashamed of yourself for caring about some murderous terrorist who would cut your head off without an ounce of regret or remorse.
