Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Didn’t see that coming: John Kerry makes a reference to Vietnam

Let me preface this by saying that I want John Kerry to run for President again. Please. Tap into that Heinz fortune. Anyway, here’s the tail end of a story in the Globe titled: “Kerry demands US troop pullout”:

In his speech, Kerry attacked the war's architects as “armchair warriors whose front line is an air-conditioned conference room,” and dropped in a pointed reference to Bush's not having fought in Vietnam.

“I understand fully that Iraq is not Vietnam; after all, President Bush is even there today,” Kerry said. Bush served in the Air National Guard during the Vietnam era, which allowed him to avoid being deployed to Vietnam.
Petty and sad. Here’s Kathryn Jean Lopez to deliver the coup de grace:

It's been more than a few hours since John Kerry made his formal "demand " now and I still laugh or roll my eyes—or breath a sigh of relief that he's not in the position where his demands mean much. I wish I had the transcript, but yesterday even Joe Biden was dismissing the demand. Quick clue for Kerry: When even your secretary of State thinks you're comments are too much, you're wading deep in a pool of irrelevancy.
Don’t listen to them Senator! I’ll be watching to see when Teresa changes her name from “Heinz” to “Kerry” (again) as a sign of your imminent campaign.

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