Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Democrats’ “Six in ‘06” agenda

From Jake Tapper’s Political Punch on ABC News:

One of the bright lights of our political unit, Teddy Davis, notes that House Democrats are planning to roll out their version of the Contract with America later this year...
It's catchy (?) title -- "Six in 'o6"....
It's a legislative agenda that includes:
(1) a minimum wage increase;
(2) repealing the portion of the Medicare prescription drug law that prevents Medicare from negotiating for lower drug prices;
(3) implementing all of the 9/11 Commission’s homeland security recommendations;
(4) reinstating pay-as-you-go budget rules;
(5) making college more affordable; and
(6) a sixth plank that has not yet been settled upon.
Ha-ha, oh man. That’s decisive leadership on a topic yet-to-be-tested-by-a-focus-group. (Hat tip: New Editor).


  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    How shameful. Especially as compared with the '94 "Contract with America," which we all know was written in lightning before springing directly from the brow of Odin to our earthly plain.

    You get an early tip, you get an early draft. Uh-duh.

    What's the attractive counteroffer currently being floated by GOP leadership? Hide the Marine coffins, and don't throw rice at homos?

  2. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Well, considering they've been promising a coherent platform for about a year now, this should be reasonably depressing for Dems.

    I know *I'm* impressed. There are few things I care about more than, uh, what were their issues again?

    Actually, I'd like to see PAYGO re-instated, but I don't believe the Dems would do it if they get the majority.

    How about immigration? What about Iraq? What about Iran? What about Global Warming or Climate Change or Whatever The Hell We're Calling It Today? What about Social Security insolvency?

    Oh, right. Those are all WAAAAAAAY less important.

    Fundamentally, I fully expect a Full-Frontal John Kerry "I Have A Plan, But You'll Have To Elect Me To Find Out What It Is".

    OTOH, I find myself pretty much for it before I'm against it.


  3. Anonymous3:30 AM

    JorgXMcKie asks:
    How about immigration? What about Iraq? What about Iran? What about Global Warming or Climate Change or Whatever The Hell We're Calling It Today? What about Social Security insolvency? Oh, right. Those are all WAAAAAAAY less important.

    Excellent questions. But you can't ever look to the Dems for prioritization, orvision. The leader of your party has the answer:

    "You are here because you strongly support a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman, and I am proud to stand with you. This week the Senate begins debate on the Marriage Protection Amendment, and I call on the Congress to pass this amendment, send it to the states for ratification."
