Thursday, June 29, 2006

Can’t touch us: it’s in the public interest

Lileks with NY Times reports from the future:

Feb. 14, 2007: Times Editor Keller approves the publication of the Pentagon’s plans for a Feb 15th strike on Iran, asserting that “there has been far too little debate about whether the sustained assault by cruise missiles and stealth bombers will provide a cover for the infiltration of several SpecOps teams from the Iraqi and Afghan bases, or whether these groups, code named ‘Red Six’ and ‘Blue Fourteen’ respectively, might suffer friendly fire. One error in timing, such as the barrage scheduled for the 3 AM on night of the 24th, could expose our troops to great harm. If this leads to a debate about whether the Tomahawk missile can be sent slightly off course by a concentrated microwave burst, as classified documents seem to suggest, it’s a debate we need to have.”
Extra – From the Boston Globe: “Media reporting of secret programs faces House condemnation

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Mega-kudos to the Bush administration, for taking a strong, principled stand against the NY Times' reckless publication of leaked information.

    And the next time Bush/Cheney/Rove want to end a CIA operative's career, promote false Iraqi WMD claims, float upcoming cabinet changes, or pre-announce its election cycle troop reduction plans, they should really stick it to the treacherous Times, and leak to a different newspaper for once! It's called tough love.
