Friday, June 30, 2006

Air America update – Can I make a confession? I used to like Janeane Garofalo as an actress, e.g. she was cute and endearing in “The Truth about Cats and Dogs.” But, whew, she has not mellowed with age. The Radio Equalizer has an exclusive claiming Garofalo’s Air America gig has been cancelled: “A casualty of low ratings, extreme revenue shortfalls, weird on-air behavior and the network's overall poor health, Garofalo's downfall is especially embarrassing considering that as a quasi- Hollywood star, she was once considered a key Air America selling point.”


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    In light of Air America's lack of success, what do you think about Fox News' plans to produce their own competing version of "The Daily Show," featuring the hilarious comic Laura Ingraham? It would appear that cluelessness comes in alternating shades of blue and red.

  2. Anonymous1:50 PM

    It makes at least as much sense as your idiotic non sequiter

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Don't use fancy Latin words unless you can spell them.

    Have a nice day, you intellectual midget, you!

  4. I liked Garofalo as an actor very much. I mean, usually I don't pay attention, and I actually noticed her enough to *like* her. You know, have a preference even.

    She was everywoman in a world where hollywood starlets are so oddly alien. And she *was* cute and endearing.

    It makes me wonder, this fall from popularity, if her popularity as an entertainer was never with the left at all but always with us fly-over red state hicks.

  5. I think she started discussing scientology or some other cult on air and that had a lot of regular Air America listeners scratching their heads.
