Thursday, May 11, 2006

Turn that frown upside down

Sure, the polls are bad and the base is depressed, but if the Republicans have nowhere to go but up then check this out:

CQ has an interactive map up to chart the 2006 races. For ALL the negative stuff we've heard over the past few weeks, CQ, as of today, has Republicans holding both the House and the Senate.
Just like Scott predicted. Also, Jay Cost says to ignore the generic polls before Labor Day and the WashPost reports that the Democrats are broke and fighting. Finally, Rich Karlgaard in Forbes explains “Why the Dems won’t win in November”:

The hate that animates the American Left today is a sad thing … so different than the search for common good, quality and social justice which used to animate progressive politics, says Brad Carson, a former Democratic Congressman from Oklahoma. He’s right. That’s why I don’t lose too much sleep worrying about Speaker Pelosi.
It’s a long way to November, kids.


  1. Anonymous12:50 AM

    The hate that animates the American Left today is a sad thing … so different than the search for common good, quality and social justice which used to animate progressive politics

    Ab-so-lutely. And when the voters compare that hateful swamp with the ethical, competent, strong core values and "people politics" currently being upheld by the GOP, they'll...


    Help! Save us, Batman!

  2. Anonymous1:55 AM

    The Democratic Party is a corpse. The only thing propping it up is voting fraud in urban areas and the fanatical loyalty of the remnants of the MSM.

  3. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Voting fraud? the 17,000-19,000 disenfranchised african-american voters in Florida during the 2000 election? And well over 80% of those thousands of African-American voters were proven to have been perfectly legal to vote. Recently, African-Americans approval-rating of Bush and Republicans slipped from 3% to 2% (maybe with a little luck, Republicans can get it back up to 3%). So, if Bush won by around 360 votes in Florida, and over 10,000 votes (97-98% of which would have gone to Gore).... oh man, we'd have had a president who meets with his head of counter-intelligence AT LEAST ONCE within 7 months, we'd have a president and cabinet members who read BOOK-SIZED reports titled in huge bold letters "BIN LADEN DETERMINED TO ATTACK WITHIN THE U.S.," we'd still have a balanced budget (thank you, Clinton), we'd have a president fluent in at least once language, and a president that doesn't break the record of TOTAL VACATION TIME TAKEN BY A PRESIDENT (including two-term-presidents) IN JUST ABOUT 3 goodness, I could go on and on.
    I don't agree with everything the Democratic party has to offer. It's very rare that anyone agrees with EVERYTHING that their affiliated party says and does. But, no one died when Clinton lied.

  4. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Step away from the bong, there, Reub. You want to talk vote fraud, take a look at EVERY Democrat-run major city in America. The number of phony votes there run into the millions (Detroit alone accounts for perhaps 150k, more than enough to overrule legitimate GOP-leaning votes in the rest of Michigan; ditto for Philadelphia which had close to 110% Democrat turnout). You definitely don't want to go down that path, Reub.

    As for people not dying on Clintoon's watch, that might be news to Vince Foster, nevermind his culpability for 9/11. Guess Osama wasn't too important to him. Oh, well. Yet another Republican having to clean up Democrat messes.

  5. Anonymous10:35 PM

    To Anonymous:

    An interesting choice of word selection, and fact selection...
    I'll start with #1:
    The bong? I don't smoke pot- it has 4x the cancer causing agents of a cig, which I don't smoke either.
    #2: I wrote: "No one died when Clinton lied."
    You quoted me as saying, "As for people not dying on Clintoon's watch."

    SOMEONE has died on every single leader's watch. I specifically referred to the fact that Clinton received a blowjob, and had to testify under oath. Upon doing so, unfortunately, he lied...and was impeached. I suppose since Georgie boy hasn't had to testify under oath more than about once (maybe twice) because his buddies don't see the need for him to do so, Georgie hasnt had the chance to lie under oath...but I doubt he could do it alone, since he's needed Cheney to stand next to him during his testimony. Couldn't cross the street without the grown-up...

    #3: You wrote: "Take a look at EVERY Democrat-run major city in America (Detroit alone accounts for perhaps 150k, more than enough to overrule legitimate GOP-leaning votes in the rest of Michigan; ditto for Philadelphia which had close to 110% Democrat turnout)."

    You'll find that almost every major city IN the United states is generally trending democratic. There are also many, many more people concentrated in those given areas, as opposed to suberbs and rural areas, so the liklihood of practically anything happening are many times more likely. It's funny you point out voter-turnout in philly and detroit (for both cities, you were wrong on numbers, however, though I will concede that detroit doesn't have the best track record). When voting to replace the crooked former speaker of the house, Tom DeLay, the elected GOP officials in congress had an overall voter turnout of WELL over 100%--- and that's just the Congressmen- the REPUBLICAN-ONLY Congressmen. No civilian-constituents from citie had anything to do with that...and civilian voters from the major cities in the country on a RATHER LARGE MAJORITY (as suburban-city voters tend to be more republican than the inner-city voters), didn't vote for those republican congressmen to be there in the first place.

    Oh, and, "Reub?" Do we know eachother? Well, I'd just say that I love to excercize, and would gladly go for a jog down that path, "Anony."

  6. Anonymous10:39 PM

    please excuse the typo...I've been studying for finals all day.

    Let's change that to, "Suburbs"
    (see, I got it later when I wrote, "suburban.")


  7. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "You'll find that almost every major city IN the United states is generally trending democratic."

    Hardly a revelation, but it points out the #1 problem of what is wrong with our major cities. Where there are Democrat pols reigning supreme, corruption does, too.

    "It's funny you point out voter-turnout in philly and detroit (for both cities, you were wrong on numbers, however, though I will concede that detroit doesn't have the best track record)."

    Yes, it's a real scream. Fraudulent voting going into the tens or hundreds of thousands routinely is a hoot and a half. Democrats are hilarious when they claim non-existent voter fraud on the part of Republicans (!) in FL in 2000. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there IS no such thing as Republican voter fraud anymore. That would require controlling major cities right down to the block level, and that simply doesn't happen. Without major-city Democrat voter fraud, the Democrats would cease to be competitive outside of loony-bin areas.

    "When voting to replace the crooked former speaker of the house, Tom DeLay, the elected GOP officials in congress had an overall voter turnout of WELL over 100%---"

    What "crooked former Speaker"? Tom Foley? The rest of your spiel doesn't even make any sense, but neither do Democrat apologists and sycophants. It's time to bring their reign of (t)error over America's cities (and anywhere else they occupy office like a plague) and moral and psychological enslavement of Black people to a close, once and for all!

  8. Anonymous10:51 AM

    "..the #1 problem of what is wrong with our major cities. Where there are Democrat pols reigning supreme, corruption does, too."

    "Sorry to burst your bubble, but there IS no such thing as Republican voter fraud anymore. That would require controlling major cities right down to the block level, and that simply doesn't happen. Without major-city Democrat voter fraud, the Democrats would cease to be competitive outside of loony-bin areas."

    ---I'm sorry, WHAT??!! Hey, Sean Vanity- I mean, Hannity, WHAT A CROCK! That is the most SELECTIVE use of information and opinions (passed off as fact) that I've heard in a WHILE! My god, I don't even know how to respond to you except to suggest that you pick up a newspaper (or at least two, if you insist on purchasing a paper funded by Rupert Murdock).

    Now about the most ridiculous part..

    "What "crooked former Speaker"? Tom Foley? The rest of your spiel doesn't even make any sense, but neither do Democrat apologists and sycophants. It's time to bring their reign of (t)error over America's cities (and anywhere else they occupy office like a plague) and moral and psychological enslavement of Black people to a close, once and for all!"

    Umm...I clearly stated the crooked former speaker was Tom Delay...and even his own constituents wouldn't have re-elected him...hence, he resigned so that a repbulican will win his seat. READ!
    Oh, and yes, the "speil" makes sense...
    To replace DeLay, republican congressmen voted on whom to replace as speaker of the house. There was well over a 100% voter turnout. That's pathetic. Civilian voters had NOTHING to do with that- only the republican congressmen, as the democrats had no say in the matter and thus had nothing to do with it (democrats are a minority in congress, so they vote for the MINORITY LEADER). That ALONE is a PERFECT EXAMPLE OF HOW REPUBLICAN VOTER FRAUD DOES EXIST! AND AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL, NO LESS.

    And, "the Democrat's reign of (t)error?"
    ---I admit that was cleverly written, so kudos. But WHAT REIGN?? REPUBLICANS CONTROL EVERY BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT!! THERE IS NO REIGN! Fool.
    "Moral and psychological enslavement of blacks by Democrats?"

    --Again, warrantless words! What a moot point! I don't even know where to begin. 98% disapproval rating of Republicans by blacks. As I said, Democrats don't control a SINGLE BRANCH OF GOVENMENT. Which side supports affirmative action? Which side supports welfare, healthcare, meicare, etc...CHENEY VOTED AGAINST MAKING MLK-DAY A NATIONAL HOLIDAY AS A CONGRESSMAN FROM WYOMING! That's just one example of how BLATENTLY wrong you are.

    See you in November.
    (and the 29% approval rating of Bush IN THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, no less, won't be helping you guys. Maybe "Jesus will help you guys out again," or something. Ask Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell.

  9. Anonymous10:54 AM

    29% ??? O Batman, where ARE you?

  10. Anonymous6:04 PM


    Yup, sure glad lots of people in the panhandle of Florida weren't dissuaded from going to the polls when Florida was called BEFORE the polls closed in the central time zone.

    Whoops - that actually DID happen. Probably cost GWB about 50,000 votes. Still, with such fraud, I'm sure the vote would sway democrat in 2004. Shucks, didn't GWB win that by about 300,000 votes in '04.

    Darn those inconvenient facts!

  11. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Indeed, he did win by a much larger margin in '04. Much of that can easily be attributed to the Jesus-factor though. Karl Rove, man. He's a fucking genious...kinda fights dirty (in fact, dirtier than i imagined i.e. Valerie Plame), but he knows how to encourage the fundamental religious right to vote! However, you select a single and moderately weak point to attack from my entire argument(s). There is no way to justify Florida giving W 50,000 more votes in 2000 however. Florida went to Clinton by a much larger portion in the previous elections-- don't forget. Would W have gotten additional votes? Yes. But all told, a recount would have given Gore the victory. Having seen how close Florida was in 2000, republicans (specifically karl rove) did a very good job mobilizing their voting constituent-base in 2004 so that it wouldn't happen again, and Democrats failed to do the same in many cases mainly because Kerry ran a piss-poor campaign.
    Richard Nixon's poll numbers, at his lowest point ever (during Watergate, obviously), never dipped below 39%. George W Bush is now at 29% BY WALL STREET JOURNAL POLLS. Thats a realtively conservative paper, and 29%-- that's bad. It appears he truly is on a mission to out-do his daddy, as he has now tied his father's lowest poll numbers and well surpassed Richard Nixon's lowest numbers. Let's see if he can get it down to 20%. I have learned not to question his abilities, so I have faith that he can do it. Voters apparently realize there have been some mistakes, and don't even begin to claim Democrats blaming Republicans for the things going wrong in this country is the reason Bush and Republican poll numbers are so low. Even still, Democrats have not learned how to effectively convince the public of almost anything, and Democrats still don't control any single branch of congress. The republicans just keep digging themselves into deepr and depper holes. It would be nice if Democrats knew how to effectively capitalize on ANYTHING, but they'll gladly keep taking what Republicans are giving them via mistake after mistake.

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