Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ridiculing Kerry is the highest form of patriotism - Ann Althouse asks: “Does John Kerry makes any sense?” Meanwhile, Tim Blair finds the Senator misquoting Thomas Jefferson yet again. Golly, I hope he runs in 2008.

Bonus – Welcome, Instapundit readers! Wow, see what happens when you don’t check your blog for a couple of hours.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Good luck on that Kerry thing. You know the GOP dream is collapsing with historic breadth, when people are getting nostalgic for 2 years ago.

  2. Yes, Eric, good luck on that Kerry thing. After all, following his spectacular victory in 2004 - oh, wait, he lost, didn't he?...

  3. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Bingo, Mark. Your misdirected sarcasm has illuminated the political reality. The swift boat you dream of has sailed. Kerry has as much chance at being on the ballot in 2008 as Zacharias Moussaoui.

    But while you're fantasizing about some magical GOP gift that might fall from the sky, why not root for the Democrats to renominate Dukakis?

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    "Good luck on that Kerry thing. You know the GOP dream is collapsing with historic breadth, when people are getting nostalgic for 2 years ago."

    It's really sad to see someone so desperate to see the other side lose that they project their own desperate hopes onto what is obvious humor.

    "Your misdirected sarcasm has illuminated the political reality...

    But while you're fantasizing about some magical GOP gift that might fall from the sky"

    Well, which is it? Sarcasm or fantasy?

    Kerry sure is making noises like he intends to run. Just to reassure you, anonymous, we really don't expect him to get the nomination. But he's going to make an entertaining sideshow and embarrass the Dems for sure.

  5. Anonymous — Kerry still has $45000000 in campaign funds he never returned. I'm still on his mailing list and getting the blowhard's regular eructations. He's going to run again and lay a major stank on the Democratic primaries. He's too damn self-involved not to. And I hope he and Kos keep talking as long and loud as they possibly can...

  6. Anonymous1:37 AM

    ...he's going to make an entertaining sideshow and embarrass the Dems for sure.

    Translation: He's a Senator with cash and an ego (and there are so very few of those). And he will probably divert some of the GOP's energy from their actual opponent. Bonus!

    Remember when Forbes and Keyes and Ashcroft and Buchanan embarrassed the Republicans with their vanity campaigns? Those blowhards sure took the party's hopes down with them.

  7. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Buchanan in '92 anyone?

  8. At least Keyes had the good sense to disappear after '04.

    No such luck with Kerry?

    BTW seen his records yet? Serious war wounds? Or scratches? Where is the proof Senator?

  9. Anonymous6:51 PM

    If Kerry had only gotten 27% of the vote, he'd be in an undisclosed location today, too.

  10. I hope nobody's forgotten that Kerry was in Vietnam. Oh, and Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian.

  11. Congratulations on the Instalanche! He's mentioned me by name a time or two, and even addressed me once, during a rare open comments post. But no 'lanche, to date.
