Friday, May 19, 2006

Obviously, somebody put a little Irish in his morning coffee - Scott Adams of Dilbert fame believes that Joe Biden can win the presidency. *Gong* Thanks for playing.


  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Elsewhere on the comic strip political scene, Bil Keane is obviously a GWB supporter.

    "Who bungled the Iraqi occupation?"
    "NOT ME!"
    "Who dithered while New Orleans drowned?"
    "NOT ME!"
    "Who lied about the wiretapping program?"
    "NOT ME!"

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Probably Scott is being humoruous. Otherwise, if he listened to Biden he'd have an entry reading:

    Joe Biden: too dim, too much plagiarism.

    Biden makes BigWoodenAlGore and John F'n Kerry sound like dynamic speakers. Also, more than even most Senators, he not only loves to hear himself talk, no one at all is able to get him to STFU on any issue.
