Saturday, May 13, 2006

Now what did Bluto and D-Day do?

According to that nut at UNC, it was much more serious than dropping fizzies at the swim meet:

A man charged with trying to kill students at UNC Chapel Hill by driving through a popular campus gathering spot says in a series of letters that he does not deserve punishment.

Mohammed Taheri-azar said in letters answering three-dozen questions from a reporter at the university's student newspaper that he won't plead guilty, as he previously planned, because his attack was justified and he doesn't deserve punishment.

"I aimed to exact casualties from an enemy responsible for thousands of casualties among Allah's followers," Taheri-azar wrote to the Daily Tar Heel.
Sounds like a very reasonable fellow. BTW, he was born in Iran but has lived in the United States since he was two years old.

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