Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I can’t improve on this – From the Superficial: “Madonna kicked off her new tour by crucifying herself on a giant mirrored cross and wearing a crown of thorns. The difference between Madonna and Jesus? When Jesus did it everybody in the world didn't want to punch him in the face.” Ho-freakin'-hum, Madonna. Why not try something really controversial and come out with a Koran stuffed down your pants? That'll get people talkin'!


  1. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I went to a Madonna concert back when she actually had some good songs out. Throughout the whole concert she complained about the rain. Now she's trying to gain attention by showing off on a cross. Glad to know people are getting wise to her antics. Just sing for goodness sakes!!!!

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Goodness! I haven't been so shockingly shocked by the shock of Madonna's shocking shock since she last shockingly shocked us with shock.

    Er... what year is this again?

  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    She was boring in the 80's, and she's boringer now. She's famous for being famous.
