Saturday, May 20, 2006

Free speech for me, but not for thee - If I had been John McCain, I would have scrapped my commencement address to the New School and replaced it with a speech about the intolerance of the Left to opinions that don’t align with their own.

Extra – From Southern Appeal: “This story immediately made me think of Buckley’s famous quip, “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”


  1. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Straw man stories about some "moonbats" wielding life-threatening salad dressing are flashy irrelevancies. Surely Michelle Malkin has equal scorn for the GOP staffers who were flown to Florida in November 2000 to fake-riot in the hallways. But at least those non-moonbats were creampie-free.

    Either way, somebody should clue in Malkin that the most obnoxious 0.000004% of any political faction isn't illustrative of much.

    John McCain is taking crap for selling out his constituency, moderates. George W. Bush has been taking it for selling out the conservatives. Hillary Clinton's been taking it for selling out the liberals. You wanna go for the big chair, or hang onto it, you have to accept a little grief.

  2. How very interesting. I guess the quality of relevancy depends on whose ox is being gored. When empirical evidence suggests that physical attacks on conservative pundits is more the rule than exception, you wave your hand (bah!) and ascribe it to a super-minority of the Left.

    But then, in a grasp at reality, you [silly name] trot out the rioting GOP operatives or Bush’s time in Crawford or those disenfranchised voters in Florida and Ohio. All thoroughly debunked mythology, but why let that get in the way of your argument?

    To recap: math = bunk. Mythology = reality. In your response, please list all the liberal speechmakers shouted down and insulted at a college graduation or any other event. Hell, list one.

  3. Anonymous11:59 PM

    In your response, please list all the liberal speechmakers shouted down and insulted at a college graduation or any other event. Hell, list one.

    Will double digits do? Howard Dean was extensively heckled in Rhode Island earlier this year. Rockford College quite literally pulled the plug on leftwing NY Times reporter Christopher Hedges' commencement speech, because of the vicious jeering, horn noises, and students rushing the stage. (The Washington Times wrote an approving editorial about this.) Surely you remember Bill O'Reilly outarguing Al Franken at the L.A. book panel with wit and panache (O'Reilly: "Shut up."). Hecklers from FIU's campus Republican organization tried to shout down pro-Castro commie speaker Kenia Serrano. Reportedly, conservative students at Yale in the late 90s had a habit of interrupting speakers with mooing and barking noises, and when tossed out, would then write angry letters to the Yale Daily News. In '04, John Kerry had a series of campaign speeches disrupted by organized groups of protesters, including one that made the cogent argument of loudly slapping flipflops together. Biologists have been shouted down at many "creationism vs. science" events. Even Bill Nye was heckled by pro-Bible members in his audience. And he's the Science Guy... NOOOO!!!! The National Review's Donald Luskin has called for a pie attack on Paul Krugman. According to the transcript, Democratic Representatives (such as Peter Deutsch and Jesse Jackson Jr.) were shouted down by Republican House members during the certification of the 2000 election. No salad dressing of death, though.

    Michael Moore has also been treated rudely by boors, but I wouldn't even count him. Like Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Ted Rall, and many others, the high-volume shout-down is the only thing they're about. They think it's their validation. They might very well cease to exist without it.

  4. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Oh, those moonbats at and their "thoroughly debunked mythology"!

    And since you mention it....
    Oh, those chimp-haters at the Washington Post and their biased, partisan reading of the calendar!

    Oh, those wingnuts at Florida's voter list scrubbing corporation, and their tinfoil legal settlement payments!

    Oh, those unhinged Washington Post reporters and their assessment of a prop turkey that found its way into Bush's hands... somehow! (But it wasn't plastic! It wasn't plastic!)

    And yet, dastardly Dan Rather falsely calling Florida early, in an overt effort to make tens of thousands of Florida panhandle voters make sudden screeching U-turns, just inches away from the polling stations? That scandal is VERY, VERY REAL. "Physical attacks on conservative pundits more the rule than the exception"? Heavens! You'd better get a bigger gun!

  5. "Howard Dean was extensively heckled in Rhode Island earlier this year"

    That made all the papers. And I hear that somebody had a very distracting cough when Nancy Pelosi was at the National Press Club.

    I don't have the time (or the premium subscription) to read how your mythology is proven on that reputable source of Salon. If you believe minorities were blockaded in Florida, more power to you. I believe that the Panhandle vote was suppressed. The difference is only one of us can prove it.

  6. Anonymous11:21 PM

    To recap: photographic evidence (of distraught Florida voters from Tom DeLay's office, or prop turkeys that fell from the sky into Bush's hands) = bunk. Panhandlegate = reality.

    I'm not suggesting that the nefarious conspiracy to disenfranchise Pensacola is mythology. No, no, no. I'm just saying that proving it is more impossible than any of Hercules' 12 labors.

  7. You showed me!

    No, wait, you didn't. Dig through my archives (since you have plenty of time) and you'll see somebody did a study and statistically proved that the Florida Panhandle vote was off by 10-15K votes between 2000 and 2004.

    Whereas your evidence of blocked minorities fills great volumes of ether in John Conyer's closet.

    I don't even know what you're trying to say about the turkey. Are you saying it was plastic? Just say so then. Because it wasn't - but don't let that stop you. Faith is important.

  8. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Oof! I didn't know you had backup. "Somebody." And he/she "statistically proved" that the vote in two different calendar years was... DAMN YOU, DAN RATHER... different!

    Now that's reality, not mythology. Whereas the hundreds of felons who got knocked off the Florida voting rolls for committing crimes in the future... those guys were like cyclops, or gryphons. One of the ID'd felons was even the elections supervisor of Madison County, Fla... I think she had snakes instead of hair. In Tallahassee, 694 felons were "discovered" and purged by ChoicePoint, but the county's voting board there actually doublechecked each name. They were able to verify a big 34 of them. That's almost a 5% accuracy rate, for that particular county... praise Zeus!

    Got a list of 660 panhandle procrastinators whose 7 o'clock heartbreak made their legs just too darn heavy to move? Maybe you could borrow it from Somebody.

    You brought up the turkey. And you cling to that word "plastic" as if it will make irrelevant Bush's staged photo op serving the non-plastic prop turkey to no soldier. The key here is "plastic." Somebody said plastic, but it wasn't plastic, therefore... I don't know, maybe you can help out on the therefore part.

    And maybe you'd know what I was "trying to say" about the organic, non-plastic, plastic-free turkey that was not plastic if you'd read the Washington Post link already provided... but you don't have time for that.

  9. You know what's the most nefarious twist about the felons purged off the country rolls? And the so-called election fraud in Broward County and the butterfly ballot?

    They were all crimes committed by DEMOCRATIC voting officials! Teresa LePore, you magnificent bastard!

  10. Anonymous12:24 AM

    So, making fun of the Florida fake-rioters didn't work so well. Nor did the challenge to provide "just one" insulted liberal speechmaker, nor did Turkeygate, nor Bush's time in Crawford, nor the voter purge, nor the invisibly "proven" panhandle conspiracy... and thus you're on to the butterfly ballot next. Do those goalposts ever stand still?

    Amid this dizzying menu of random items, we've forgotten the truly important thing here, which is John McCain's peace of mind. I do hope he's okay. When Karl Rove smears McCain and his plastic illegitimate black daughter, that's just politics. But that dreadful woman at the New School was so... so... mean to him!

  11. Blah blah blah

    You're a moron.

    The end.

  12. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Sorry to have wasted your time.

    It's just that I get so lonely down in my parents' basement, eating Fudgecicles and waiting for Subway to call to see if I made it into their university.

  13. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Sob! Dan Rather was so... so... mean to me! It's been proven!

  14. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Tsh. So many old grudges. So much unfocused anger. Are you sure you boys aren't Democrats?

    Blah blah blah
    You're a moron.

    Thrashed by a moron, what a fate.
