Sunday, May 21, 2006

Cold cash

I don’t know why the FBI is making a big deal about Representative William Jefferson and his methods of storing money:

All but $10,000 was recovered on Aug. 3 when the FBI searched Jefferson's home in Washington. The money was stuffed in his freezer, wrapped in $10,000 packs and concealed in food containers and aluminum foil.
Nothing suspicious about that at all! (There goes the “culture of corruption” meme.)


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    It has always been my experience that one can get a better deal for 'cold cash'. Perhaps the Honorable (do they still get called that if they do time for corruption?) Congressman Jefferson is just a canny buyer.


  2. Must be a conspiracy by the white man. If he's in a minority-majority district, all he has to do is say that and he'll get 92% of the vote.

  3. It seems a really weird place to hide money... though, if it was a LOT of money, he may have been thinking that the freezer would be fire proof... sort of a really *big* fire resistant documents box.

    Not that it matters. He's still psycho, right?

  4. Anonymous1:27 PM

    That lefty wingnut Dennis Hastert weighs in:

    Mmm, actual conservative positions. Remember those?
