Friday, April 28, 2006

Who will stand up?

I apologize in advance, since this particular post references a rather obscure film. But every time I hear the latest news from Iran, I can’t help but think of a 1967 movie called “The Incident.” (Here’s Roger Ebert’s contemporaneous review). In the film, two young hoodlums terrorize people on a cross-town subway car. Nobody wants to confront them and everybody’s willing to keep quiet as long as somebody else is the focus of their violence. In the end, it all becomes too much for a Southern soldier on leave (played by Beau Bridges) and, with one arm in a sling, he subdues the hoods.

Now we have Iran which, in direct defiance of the United Nations and the world, has announced it will develop nuclear weapons. (Or nuclear power, with a huge tongue-in-cheek which then calls for the destruction of Israel). They cannot be reasoned with and, thanks to oil, they can’t be economically subdued. Eventually, Iran may enrich enough uranium for a crude nuclear bomb. Everybody’s secretly praying that the Israelis take care of the problem.

But I fear the world will be as docile as those subway riders, unmindful of Winston Churchill’s adage that “An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last.”


  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    That whole "invade Iraq and take out Saddam (he's a dan-ger)" strategy is really paying those dividends now, huh?

    Army stretched paper thin, hundreds of billions spent, oil prices soaring, international support pissed away...

    ...and most importantly, the wakeup call to WMD-less target countries to get on the stick and quickly develop some, obviously received...

    ...but at least we saw Hussein with a flashlight in his mouth. Wasn't that funny?

  2. Anonymous12:48 AM

    I can't believe the mindlessness of that comment. That Hussein was a clear danger, subsidizing and exporting terrorisim, thinking he had WMD, willing to share and deploy WMD, is established fact. He needed to be taken out. Now President of Iran Imadamnnutjob has decided that no one will call him, he's gone all in, hoping to win it all, get nukes, and erase Israel. This is his STATED intention. If not for the lackeys in the MSM foaming at the mouth to get Bush out of office, the electorate would clearly understand the massive success the war in Iraq has been. But don't expect coverage providing any perspective. The MSM is blinded with distemper.

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    And what do you think woudl happen if Saddam had, say, crashed back over Kuwait, taken outSaudia Arabia. .

    NAh. Oil woudl have remained stabilzed. .ignorance is quite ugly.,

    THe other sad poart is knowing that the instant one of these meieval zealots launches a nuke, they have irtreperably harmed their own people - they do that, and IRan will have decided to cease to exist as an independant nation on the face of this earth. Hopefully before some tipping point at least some of their military will realize that and perhaps take some action.

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Yeah! You tell 'em! Those scenarios are nothing less than chilling. And, and, what if Saddam took super brain pills and invented a giant magnet that would have brought the moon crashing into the earth? You know he would've done it! He HAD to be stopped, when he was, and in the way he was!

    Iran escalated their nuclear program because they saw what happens to countries that can't defend themselves. Face it: whatever happens next is on George Bush's tab.

    You go after the weakest axle in the Axis of Evil, don't whine when the remaining axles pay close attention and act accordingly, and especially not after you've recklessly pissed away your strategic options. Bush can't even get sanctions passed now, because of the way he played the U.N. three years ago. And the new Coalition of the Willing doesn't even include the United States.

    Ha! Ha! The U.N. sucks! We don't need them! Our troops can do TWELVE tours of duty!
