Monday, April 24, 2006

Unlike my politics, it looks like I’m a leftist

Taking the advice of many to “practice, practice, practice” I made a stop at the Smith & Wesson Sports Center tonight. A helpful fellow answered some of my questions and then showed me how to break down my 9mm for cleaning. Then I rented a lane and popped off eight clips at a target about 10 yards away. Almost every shot landed on the left half of the target despite (what I thought was) a pretty steady stance.

After I was done, the guy behind the counter immediately asked “are you right-handed?” Apparently, I was pulling my pistol while squeezing the trigger, sending most of my shots over to the left. He suggested I practice “dry-firing” to avoid twisting.

Then I purchased a decent cleaning kit and two more boxes of ammo which, along with the lane rental, brought the cost of my evening to $68. Oh well. Clean up tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I am hesitant to mention this because it's pet peave but they're called magazines not clips.

    I was looking for some examples of clips for you to look at and ran across this primer on clips and magazines:

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    My other pet peeve is missing grammatical errors even when I proof read.
