Friday, April 14, 2006

UNbelievable – How much more evidence do we need that the United Nations is a complete and utter farce? John Bolton should sit in the Security Council with IPod earplugs on and do crossword puzzles, stopping just long enough to veto anything these clowns propose.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Funny you mention John Bolton. You send a walking, breathing F.U. to pretend he's a diplomat, you get 200 F.U.'s right back. The right to play the haughtiness card no longer exists in your deck.

    The USA can't even get the UN to agree on threatened Iranian sanctions (in particular, China & Russia). Not because these countries aren't on record as opposing Iran's nuclear expansionism, and not because they oppose sanctions, but because they refuse to provide any statement whatsoever which Bush could later use as "justification" for an attack.

    Meanwhile, the #3 coalition ally in Iraq (Italy) is leaving, the #2 ally is also leaving (Poland), and we all know how Tony Blair's doing.

    Sometimes we get so hung up on George W. Bush's litany of screwups at home that we forget just how screwed and tattooed he's left us abroad. Do our troops invade Tehran on their 7th tour of duty, or their 8th?
